TuDelft: PhD Selection Guide. How to get the right PhD candidate. Selecting the right PhD candidate is an important first step in a successful PhD programme. From defining the project through to appointing the PhD candidate, this selection guide enables a professional recruitment and selection of PhD candidates. Meer informatie.
Hans Sonneveld: Selection and admission of doctoral candidates. Manual for Doctoral Programs, Graduate and Research Schools. Answering the question “which aspect of the PhD supervision is the most difficult ?” we answer: the selection of doctoral candidates …Why is this part of our job so difficult? What can a director of a doctoral program do to raise the quality of the selection to a higher level? These are the questions we will answer in this chapter. Meer informatie.
Technical University of Denmark: Results from a survey among PhD graduates and recruiters. As one of Europe’s leading technical universities, Technical University of Denmark (DTU) constantly focuses on ensuring the high quality and relevance of its study programmes. This of course also applies to the PhD programme with the number of enrolled PhD students increasing to approximately 1,500 in 2015. DTU has commissioned this survey of PhD graduates and recruiters in order to ensure the high quality and positive development of its PhD programme. Meer informatie.
Associations of universities of science and technology – CESAER, CLUSTER, EuroTech Universities Alliance, IDEA League and Nordic Five Tech:Innovative doctoral traning at universities of science and technology.This discussion paper aims to highlight some best practices and challenges that TU’s encounter in the development of their doctoral training programmes. Meer informatie.
Colette Kleemann-Rochas, Graziella Farina, Mercedes Fernandez. Mireille Michel: Comment rédiger un rapport, un mémoire, un projet de recherche, une activité de recherche en cours ? Il existe quelques dizaines de guides donnant des conseils sur la rédaction d’un rapport. Quelques-uns, tout comme le nôtre, sont gratuitement téléchargeables sur la toile (voir « Notre bibliographie »). L’originalité de ce manuel est qu’on y trouve également une dizaine de pages toutes prêtes servant de canevas pour rédiger un rapport. Meer informatie.
League of European Research Universities: Maintaining a quality culture in doctoral education at research-intensive universities. Doctoral programmes within LERU aim to train the next generation of researchers to the highest skill levels in order to launch creative, critical and autonomous intellectual risk takers. In addition, the modern doctorate needs to provide excellent training for roles beyond research and higher education. How can universities ensure that these objectives will be achieved? They do this by ensuring that they maintain doctoral training embedded in a strong research culture and through Quality Assurance (QA) processes which scrutinise and enhance this culture and the activities. Meer informatie.
Wageningen School of Social Sciences: Procedures, Principles and Good Practices for Supervising PhD candidates. For a successful PhD project, the relation between a PhD candidate and supervisors is a key issue. As a graduate school, WASS is responsible for safeguarding the quality of supervision. The WASS Committee on Scientific Integrity, together with the WASS community, has developed eight basic principles for effective interaction between PhD candidates and their supervisors….Most importantly, and especially for this Guide, many WASS supervisors and PhD candidates have shared their experiences on the do’s and don’ts of supervision with us.Meer informatie.