Dissertation Quality in the Netherlands (2017)
On January 20, 2017, the Netherlands Centre of Expertise for Doctoral Education organized by and with support from the TU Delft a conference on the quality of dissertations defended in the Netherlands. The immediate reason for organizing this day is that we know a lot in the Netherlands on completion rates of doctoral programs, the time to degree and labor market prospects of PhD recipients, but cannot draw firm conclusions regarding the quality of the end product of all these doctoral efforts. Based on the previously collected information and discussions during the discussion day we wrote a report: Dissertation Quality – Standings 2017. In Dutch.
Presentations and good practices (all in Dutch)
- Just Vlak en Gab van Winkel, Kwaliteitsborging rond dissertaties, Wageningen University
- An Goris, Een getrapt model van dissertatiebeoordelingen, KU Leuven
- Linda van Klink, Proefpromoties, Tilburg University, School of Economics and Management
- Hans Sonneveld, De analyse van beoordelingsformulieren,
- Hervé Tijssen, Beoordelingsformulieren en Voorbeeld, Tilburg University, Tilburg Graduate Law School
- Gab van Winkel, Een beoordelingsinstrument: de ‘rubric’, Beoordelingsformulier met ‘rubric’, PhD’s authorship statement, Wageningen University