[2007 ]ESTER/Posthumus Research Design Course Abstract.
European PhD’s in economic and social history write a major paper about their research project, detailing their research questions, hypotheses and research strategy. They present it during the Course to PhD’s coming from several European countries. International experts in the field are present to comment and advice. The course is the international element of the Dutch and Flemish PhD’s following the curriculum of the Posthumus Instituut. Informatie
[2007] Procedure projectaanvragen Graduate School Faculteit Rechtsgeleerdheid Universiteit van Tilburg Abstract. Voor alle promotietrajecten geldt een vaste procedure met het oog op kwaliteitsverbetering van het onderzoeksvoorstel. De Jury voor de Onderzoeksbeoordeling (JOB) buigt zich voor de indiening van het onderzoeksvoorstel in interne of externe competitierondes (in elk geval vóór de daadwerkelijke start ervan) over de wetenschappelijke kwaliteit, de originaliteit, de methoden en de haalbaarheid van alle onderzoeksvoorstellen en gaat ter vergadering in dialoog met de indiener(s) en de beoogde kandidaat-uitvoerder. Informatie
2. Introducing new PhD candidates
TuDelft: Communication and transparency about doing a PhD at TU Delft. More information
3. Evaluation and supervision
[2018] TuDelft Graduate School: Doing a PhD is a collaboration. Central to this is the PhD candidate, but many other people are involved too: supervisors, PhD mentors, and representatives of the departments and Graduate School. The manual describes the Doctoral Project Meetings of all parties involved at the Delft Graduate School of Industrial Design Engineering. IDE GS Meeting Manual Sept 2018
[2015] Erasmus University Rotterdam: Scientific Integrity Policy, including a Dilemma Game specifically focused on professionalism and integrity in research. Meer informatie
[2015] Procedures, Principles and Good Practices for Supervising PhD Candidates at Wageningen School of Social Sciences. Full text
[2007] Statuut voor promovendi en promotores; Leidraad voor gesprek tussen promotor/dagelijks begeleider en promovendusTilburg Law School Abstract Het als bijlage bij dit formulier toegevoegde statuut beoogt enerzijds invulling te geven aan de inhoud van ‘goede begeleiding’ en anderzijds aan te geven hoe die goede begeleiding kan worden gerealiseerd. Vanzelfsprekend is er niet één wijze van goede begeleiding. Op grond van ervaringen vanuit het verleden kan echter wel worden aangegeven wat succesfactoren zijn. Die succesfactoren komen tot uitdrukking in dit document. Daarnaast wordt een lijst aangeboden met diverse aandachtspunten voor een gesprek tussen promotor/dagelijks begeleider en de promovendus.
Information Illustration Statuut Illustration Leidraad
[2007] Educational and Supervision Planning Forms ASSR. Abstract:
This practice illustrates the potential of the Educational and Supervision Planning Form. PhD student and supervisor have to fill in the forms in the first three years of the PhD program. Every form fits into the specific phase of the trajectory. By way of the form, the school management also collects information for the PhD Database. The forms illustrate the evaluation practices in three consecutive years.
Information. Illustration.
4. Time to degree and completion rates
[2007] Analysis of graduation delay, Wageningen Institute of Animal Sciences (WIAS) Abstract Although WIAS PhD students graduate faster than the national average, the KNAW advised us, at our re-accreditation in 2000, to reduce graduation delay. First we made an analysis of the causes of graduation delay, and this yielded suggestions for several measures. Median time to graduation has dropped from 5.2 (cohort 1994) to 4.7 years (cohorts after 1997).
5. Dissertation quality
[2007] Sonneveld, H. The Quality of ASSR dissertations. An analysis of opinions on the qualities of theses defended by PhD recipients of the Amsterdam School for Social science Research. Abstract. In 2002, the Amsterdam School by way of its executive director has started to collect evaluative data on the quality of the 100 dissertations that have been defended by ASSR PhD students. The author was able to lay hands on just a few documents. To compensate for the absence of elaborated evaluations, the author has asked the supervisors with a considerable number of PhD recipients to describe the strong and weak qualities of the theses that have been defended under their responsibility. The comments that are presented in the report cover 41 dissertations. PDF-bestand
6. Labour market for PhD recipients
[2007] WIAS Workshop Career Coaching Abstract. PhD students and their supervisors are focused on the PhD thesis and not on the student’s career after graduation. We offer our PhD students courses and assessments to prepare for that later career, but the coaching role of supervisors in career orientation was still a blind spot. Therefore, we organised a workshop ‘Career Coaching’ for PhD students and their supervisors.